
“Everyone comes into your life for a reason: some for good, some for bad. They shape us, they form us: some may break us, but in the end they make us who we are.”

Lola, you may not be the best horse I’ve ever come across, but in the end, you have brought me to a level of confidence that I never have felt before and with you I have formed a bond that I have never formed with any other horse. Despite your strange habit of turning in circles and you strange fear of pigeons, I still love you.
Abhishek Tiwari quotes


the little things

Scripted futures blog captures some of the most amazing memories!

Scriptedfuture's Blog

To feel the lightness of a chickadee as it lands on my hand, to hear the sound of wing flutter and the lilting song announcing the new found bounty; this delights my soul. The quiet forest surrounds us like a warm blanket as more chickadees come to feed. As my fingers grow numb from the winter air and my arm aches from standing with it outstretched, I tell myself, just a few more minutes. I stay until the numbers dwindle, then leave a seed pile for others to enjoy.

We had an added bonus this time. A flock of ducks followed us through the path as it meandered through the woods. From the recent ice storm, they seemed ravenous. Perhaps it was difficult to forage for food as thick ice covered everything? The pecking order was quite obvious as they ate the seed. I did my best to ensure each…

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There is Nothing as Beautiful as Confidence


      So there I was. It was cold day for a horse show. The horse I was ridding, Zaboomafoo, was not exactly the “black beauty” one would dream of ridding. He was a small white horse, quite old, and he had arthritis and dirt patches all over him. We brushed him with all of the brushes he had, and rubbed in some baby powder, but he was still the dirtiest one there, and it didn’t help that when I got into the arena, all the other horses were pristine mares and stallions with not a spot of dirt to be seen, but I held my confidence in the fact that I knew Zaboomafoo was a great horse, although I had my doubts about placing. All the other contestants had been ridding way longer than me anyway. The cold air in the arena was stinging my ears as all of us mounted our horses and started trotting. The first round, which was hack class, came to an end and all of the contestants lined up in the middle of the ring. This round was all about the horse. Zaboomafoo was small, dirty, old and arthritic, so I didn’t think I would do very well. And plus, I had never competed in a horse show. They called first place. The girl was ridding a pretty white horse named Tucker. Then they called second and third place, also gorgeous horses. So I sat waiting for the next round until they called Zaboomafoo for fourth place. I would have been excited, but I was shocked. I didn’t expect to get anything higher than sixth, which was the lowest placement out of the 18 contestants that were there. I went to the side to hand off the ribbon to my coach, still shocked, and lined up for the second round, pleasure, which was about the horse and the ridder combined. We started trotting and the cold wind mixed with the thick show jacket, the many corrections spinning in my head and the 18 horses around me, caused  quite the confusion when trying to concentrate on not hitting anyone, loosing posture, or forgetting to smile. When the round ended, we all lined up and waited for the judges to come to their conclusion on the scores. Again, first place went to a beautiful mare with a chestnut coat and thin braided black mane. They continued the placements and called my name again, but this time for third place, out of eighteen, at my first show. So again I went to the stands and handed off my ribbon to my smiling coach and returned for the third round. This round, I placed fifth, handed of my ribbon and went to prepare myself for the final round, command class. It was probably the most intense round of the show. The judge shouts out commands and if not done instantly, you are eliminated. And for this one, to my surprise, Zaboomafoo responded to all my commands quite well and we placed fourth. As I dismounted my horse, they awarded champion for the highest placing competitor and reserve champion for the second highest scoring competitor. So I had gone to the show not expecting to win anything, and I walk out of the arena with a two 4th’s, a 3rd, a 5th, and a reserve champion ribbon. That really got me thinking. Maybe its not always the best looking horse that wins the highest score. Maybe it doesn’t matter if the horse isn’t the beautiful stallion that always wins in the movies. Maybe it doesn’t matter if your horse isn’t the horse young girls dream of having. Maybe pristine isn’t always perfection.  Maybe beauty isn’t always best. I learned a lot that day. You don’t have to be the one everyone envy’s because of overall stunning appearance to accomplish amazing things and make someone proud. You are who you are and no one can change how you feel about yourself but you. There is nothing as beautiful as confidence. If it takes make up, extremely vibrant clothing or in Zaboomafoo’s case, baby powder to feel confident, I say go for it. One of my favorite quotes that always hung in my classroom was “Attitude is the minds paint brush. It can colour any situation.” So don’t let anyone rain on your parade. Confidence is the key to success, and I learned that you cant let appearance change that. As I said earlier in the post, there is nothing as beautiful as confidence.


Thanks for reading!

The Tiny lightworker.

Quotes I live by

“Sometimes the sun must set completely for you to realize now there’s nothing it can do but rise.”

“They can shatter the window, but it doesn’t break the frame.”

“Don’t be scared of the picture life gives you, because it’s the colours you choose to fill it in that matter.”

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Henry Stanley Haskins

“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” – Napoleon Hill

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
– Anonymous